Democrats launch ‘historic’ seven-figure media effort targeting Latinos

Democrats are making a seven-figure investment to reach Latino voters ahead of the midterm elections, which they are touting as a "historic" early expenditure.

The Democratic National Committee is launching a paid media campaign of radio and print advertisements in English and Spanish in Latino-rich states. The ads are part of a Latino initiative the committee dubbed Adelante, which translates to “forward.”

The party announced the spending first to NBC News.

The ads are to run in Texas, Florida, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Parties rarely divulge exact spending for competitive reasons.

“The DNC has never done this, this early on and this robust of a figure for investment in Latino messaging and Latino outreach during a midterm election,” Maria Cardona, a consultant to the committee, said.

She said the spending was “presidential level” for spending on Latinos.

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