Public Input Needed on Reducing Impacts of Natural Disasters

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Underway

Elected officials in Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, and Trumbull are seeking public input on ideas for preparing for natural disasters such as the flood on September 25, 2018. Events such as floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, winter storms, and other natural hazards affect residents and businesses every year. These events damage property, cause power outages, block roads, and can cause injuries.

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), which represents the six municipalities in the region, is in the process of updating the multi-jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. A Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is a tool that helps communities understand risks and take specific steps to reduce property damage, injuries, and loss of life. This plan discusses the occurrence and consequences of floods, coastal changes, winter storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical storms, earthquakes, and dam failure. The plan identifies activities that communities can perform before natural hazards occur in order to minimize property damage, risk of life, and the costs that are shared by all. This update will identify significant changes in risks, vulnerabilities, capabilities, and mitigation actions that have developed since adoption of the previous plan in 2014.

MetroCOG is offering an opportunity for the public to share their thoughts through an online survey available at

Comments or questions can also be emailed to Patrick Carleton at

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