Recent Posts by stadmin

Painting the Park City – Calling All Local Artists

The City of Bridgeport invites local artists and creative professionals to apply for “Painting the Park City,” a beautification initiative to add color and vibrance to the downtown by installing art and/or color themes on underpass walls and city structures. Project The City of Bridgeport, Connecticut is accepting informal quotes with the intent to realize…
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Connecticut Building Congress – Call for Scholarship Application Submissions

The Connecticut Building Congress Scholarship Fund offers scholarships to graduating Connecticut high school students entering college-level programs in architecture, construction-related engineering, construction management, surveying, planning or other courses of study leading to associate, baccalaureate, or master degrees in the construction field. In the recent past, scholarships have ranged from $1,000 to $3,500 per year, renewable…
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AARP & CT Latino News Tour

Join AARP Connecticut and CT Latino News for a conversation about how high Rx drug prices are impacting Connecticut residents. Hear about why Rx drug prices are so high, learn about legislation to address the problem, and take action to demand lower drug prices now! Light food and coffee will be provided. Registration is required.…
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Census 2020

Every ten years the United States Census Bureau conducts a census of the population of the United States.  The Census 2020 is here!  Important dates and other pertinent information can be found on the Census website. Stay informed, and learn more by educating yourself about it. Click HERE to learn more.
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Corona Virus 2020

Coronavirus updates for CT: Click here The Coronavirus disease is moving across the states, and it is important for people living in the U.S. to stay informed.  Please visit the Center for Disease Control website for more information.  
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CT Prepares Mobile App

Sign up for the CT Prepares Mobile App.  The App is can be downloaded on both Apple and Android smartphones.  It's a great way to stay updated in an event of an emergency or disaster. Click HERE to learn more about how to sign up!
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El Gran Combo Comes at Foxwoods

For over 55 years, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico has brought the flavor and culture of Puerto Rico to all corners of the globe performing for audiences on every continent. The Multi-GRAMMY award-winning group is the undisputed institution of Salsa and the Ambassadors of the genre. Dance along to their classic and defining songbook…
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2019: A Year of Building Collective Power

In 2019, Hispanics in Philanthropy continued responding and engaging where they were needed the most in our communities. From supporting organizations along the migrant corridor who provide essential and services to providing leadership training and capacity building to front line defenders and creating opportunities for everyday givers. They've organized and provided funding to allies and…
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The People of Puerto Rico Continue to Suffer From Multiple Earthquakes

PUERTO RICO UPDATE – February 7, 2019 A 5.0 magnitude earthquake hit southern Puerto Rico this past Monday. The ongoing shakes continue to raise concerns regarding unstable infrastructure in a region that has been hit by earthquakes every day for more than a month. Earlier in January, the island was hit by 6.4 magnitude earthquake…
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