Taylor's scrapbooking skills are put to use at Bridgeport Hospital's NICU.
Taylor looks healthy now, but when she was born 10 years ago, she arrived 10 weeks sooner than expected. At just 2 pounds, 7 ounces, she spent two months in an incubator before she was allowed to come home.
Now she's back at Bridgeport Hospital's neonatal intensive care unit to share some love with babies who struggle as she did.
Using web-design skills she learned at school and scrapping skills she learned from her mom, Taylor has created a service project.
"Some of the nurses like to scrapbook. They scrap name tags for the babies, write the baby’s name on them when they are born, and put them on their incubators," said Taylor. "I still have mine."
For her last birthday, she, her friends and her mother made over 40 colorful and creative name tags for the babies at the NICU. Now, she wants to make and collect more.
"My goal is to give the hospital 500 name tags by Christmas 2018 and a total of over 1,000 by April," Taylor said. Don't worry about what names go on the tags; nurses take care of that.
She's enlisting the public's help for this ambitious goal. If she gets more than 1,000, she will reach out to other area hospitals and share the joy with them.
Scrapping is fun and creative, whether solo or as a group project. Taylor's ideas and instructions are here.
How to help: Visit Taylor's website and get ideas from the photo gallery. And like her Scrap4NICU Facebook page to keep up with their progress and learn about their events.
For answers to questions, text or talk to Lisa, 203-395-1754.
Send finished name tags to: Scrap4NICU, c/o BOYS Inc. PO BOX 5992, Bridgeport, CT 06610. Pickup may be available based on your location.