Bridgeport PechaKucha Night

Bridgeport PechaKucha Night

We are gearing up for Volume 15 of PechaKucha Night on June 25, 2023, that will be live IN THE PLANETARIUM at the Discovery Museum. The theme for Volume 15 is "UN-EARTHING!"

We are looking for a fresh set of presenters. In case you missed earlier PechaKucha Nights, a PechaKucha is a storytelling event where each presenter speaks from 20 images which advance automatically every 20 seconds. Check out past Bridgeport PechaKucha stories here. If you are have an UNEARTHING story to tell with 20 incredible images, fill out this proposal form. If you are not sure how to put a PechaKucha together, we've got you covered! We are hosting a proposal workshop on May 1st (via Zoom) where we go through the process of putting a PechaKucha together and answer questions. Sign up here or send any questions to

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