Job Corps: Now Enrolling

Job Corps is the nation’s largest and most successful educational and vocational training program for low income youth ages 16-24. Unlike other educational and vocational programs, Job Corps provides year round enrollment, vocational skills, employability training and job placement assistance for our graduates. With over 100 Career Technical Trainings to choose from, students who enroll in Job Corps can earn a high school diploma or GED, learn a trade, take college level courses, prepare for higher education and gain the practical skills they need to succeed in the workplace (see attachment for more info).

Job Corps is now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for enrollment at ALL of the Job Corps centers located in the New England region. Weekly orientations are held twice a week on:

Tuesdays at 1:00 PM and Wednesdays at 3:00 PM

1067 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604

Here are additional ways you can obtain more information on the program:

  1. Visit and download electronic copies of the Job Corps program (i.e., fliers, center-specific brochures, etc.)
  2. Request a packet of info for you or your organization; this can be sent or dropped off at your office (i.e., fliers for your bulletin boards, magazines, brochures, etc.).
  3. Request a Job Corps presentation for your staff or department (i.e., to review ELIGIBILITY requirements, info on education/training options, benefits, and support services for students/graduates).

Download How To Apply Brochure

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