
Nov 1 last day to register as a Connecticut voter

Nov. 1 is the last day to register to vote online or in-person in Connecticut. Voters who want to register by mail must have their registration cards postmarked no later than Nov. 1. Election Day registration is in effect on Nov. 8, however, lines are expected to be long. You can only do this at certain…
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Get the GBLN Blast! (E-Blast, that is)

The Greater Bridgeport Latino Network has an e-blast publication that is emailed to you directly twice a month. It's totally free and contains useful information, including job listings and upcoming events. Also, news updates selected for our community. But you have to sign up for it. Click here. We will never sell your email information,…
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St Vincent’s College Providing a 20% Tuition Discount

St. Vincent’s College is providing a 20% tuition discount to all Bridgeport Public School employees and parents/guardians of a student attending a school in the school district. For more information contact: St. Vincent’s College 2800 Main Street Bridgeport, CT 06606 Phone: 203-576-5278 E-mail: Download the flyer
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Baile de Halloween

8:00pm, Sabado Octubre 29, 2016 Liceo Cubano of Bridgeport aka Cuban Club 2790 Fairfield Ave Bridgeport, Connecticut Call (203) 366-4100 Todos están invitados a nuestro Baile de Halloween y esperamos que, come en años anteriores, todos vengan con simpáticos y creativos disfraces. Este baile será amenizado por el grandioso major dj de Bridgeport DJ Pepe.…
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College Application Boot Camps & LATINX Scholarships

A new date has been added to the College Application Boot Camp schedule so that students and parents will have time to meet separately to talk about the transition to college and college fit. Students and parents will work together on the FAFSA and the Common App with assistance with GEAR UP staff and partners. When:…
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Golden Corral Job Fair

Where: CT Golden Corral 74 Turnpike Square Milford, CT 06460 When: Friday, October 21, 2016 10:00AM to 3:00PM 5:00PM to 8:00PM Position for Hiring: (Please come prepared with your resumes and references) Cashiers Servers Cooks Bakers Breakfast Leads Dishwashers & Utility Butchers Potential Managers & Supervisors Targeting potential 200 new hires! View on Facebook
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Courageous Parenting 101

A FREE 2-session substance abuse education and prevention program for parents wishing to arm themselves with the knowledge of how to keep their children safe. WHEN: November 15th and November 17th at 6:00 pm WHERE: West Rocks Middle School 81 West Rocks Road, Norwalk, CT The course will be taught by Larry Katz, MS and…
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Hiring Events at Goodwill Career Centers

At the Bridgeport Goodwill Career Center, there will be a hiring event for Premier Limousine. Premier Limo is actively hiring for Concierge Chauffeurs and Car/Bus Detailers. Full time, part time and per diem positions are available. Join us on Thursday October 27th from 10am to 2pm. Download the flyer At the Greenwich Goodwill Career Center, there will be…
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