
Faces of DAPA: An Art Exhibit

There are 28,000 parents in Connecticut that would benefit from DAPA, a new administrative relief program called DAPA which would protect about 5 million parents of US citizen children or legal permanent residents from the risk of deportation. We will showcase in incredible posters some of our community leaders who have taken a stand and decided…
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Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission Approves New Scholarship Applications

The Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission has approved the new scholarship applications for youth and GED applicants as well as the Latina, Latino and Community Service award nominations forms. Visit and download each or any one of those that may apply to you. The deadline for application for all 3 categories is Friday, June 24, 2016.…
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GBLN Welcomes ItsThird Pa’lante Partner

Dr. A. Torena graduated from the Boston University Dental School in 1995 and has been practicing professional dentistry ever since. She is proud of her Latina roots as well as the important contributions that latinos have done for the community.
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Puerto Rican Songbook Was A Huge Hit

Thank you and welcome to our Silver Sponsors: Allure Dental Group – Dra. Torena El Coquito Restaurant – Eddie & Tana Reyes Radio Cumbre – Pablo Colon Thank you to our partners who made the event possible: Rick Reyes and The Bijou Theatre Look for Puerto Rican Songbook part II… Pa’lante!
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Lead Poisoning Prevention Awareness Campaign

Hartford (4/25/16) – The state Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Lead and Healthy Homes Program, in partnership with the Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission (LPRAC) has produced a lead poisoning prevention educational awareness media campaign targeting Connecticut’s Latino population. Childhood lead poisoning among Latino children is nearly double that of White children, motivating the…
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The Puerto Rican Experience

Prof. Saulo Colon, M/W 12:30-1:50p A survey of Puerto Rican society, both in Puerto Rico and in the United States. The course will explore the history, culture, values, traditions, relationships, politics, art, literature, Diaspora and daily life of Puerto Ricans from 1898 to the present crises on the island. Register online at
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Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Training

Board of Immigration Appeals 5-Day Training Monday, May 23, 9:00 am-6:30 pm thru Friday, May 27, 9:00 am – 6:00 PM For the first time, through the Immigration Strategic Funders Collaborative, a training allowing participants to meet the Federal Board of Immigration Appeals requirements to provide immigration legal services will be held in Connecticut. The Collaborative invites volunteers…
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Community-led DACA/DAPA Training

How to Facilitate DACA/DAPA Clinics with information on “Know Your Rights if You are Undocumented” and “Effective Community Outreach” Saturday, May 14, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm with 9:30 breakfast (Greater New Haven) for staff or volunteers who speak English and/or Spanish Immigrant families are under constant threat of deportation. The Deferred Action (DACA and…
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