
Make a Difference – Give Blood

For an appointment, please visit and use Sponsor Code GBLN!    For an appointment, please visit and use Sponsor Code GBLN!  For an appointment, please visit and use Sponsor Code GBLN! 
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Gov. Lamont extends CT’s state of emergency in response to COVID19 Pandemic to February 9

GOVERNOR LAMONT EXTENDS CONNECTICUT’S STATE OF EMERGENCY IN RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TO FEBRUARY 9 (HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont today announced that he has signed orders extending to February 9, 2021, Connecticut’s states of civil preparedness and public health emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally declared in March and scheduled to expire on September…
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Join the Conversation with AARP

AARP CT Every Vote Counts – Every Voter’s Safety Should Too Join one of three conversations to learn about ensuring your vote counts! Learn about voting safely by mail or in person, as well as about some of AARP’s issues for candidates. Two webinar opportunities: September 15, 2020 @ 1PM Registration: October 16, 2020…
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How to Vote in Connecticut’s 2020 Election: What You Need to Know

Connecticut officials are taking steps to expand absentee voting, though there are unresolved issues that make it unclear if all voters will be able to safely vote from home: State lawmakers passed legislation in July that will allow voters to cite fear of contracting COVID-19 as a reason for requesting an absentee ballot. Gov. Ned…
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Support GBLN and Donate!

Saludos Amigos - Greetings! For the last 17 years, the Greater Bridgeport Latino Network (GBLN) is proud to have been "Presente!" as a volunteer-led grassroots Latino organization. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we had to cancel our annual Sunset Cruise on the Port Jefferson Ferry - our single largest fundraising event. We know that because…
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SAVE OUR STAGES ACT BRIDGEPORT ART TRAIL EDITORIAL Many have benefitted from the arts during this time of sheltering in place. The arts are a source of entertainment, enrichment, self-development, socialization, expression and innovation. Theatres, museums, arts venues are struggling to exist, as are many small business-owners and employees who are wondering how long their Covid19 unemployment benefits will last. The “Save Our…
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Caroline House Virtual Gala

REGISTER HERE Good afternoon friends of Caroline House, It has been a long and historic spring, and now summer. We hope you, your family, and loved ones are safe and healthy despite this pandemic and the trying times we currently find ourselves in. Caroline House has used this challenge as an opportunity to innovate by…
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