Bring your maracas, guiros and WEPA’s!
It's time for GBLN's Parranda!
You know what a Parranda is, don't you?
Pa-rran-da (n): In Puerto Rico, Parrandas are musical festivities in the Christmas season holidays. They are also known as trullas navideñas and are associated with pride with customs of the traditional Puerto Rican jibaro.
Pa-rran-dista (n): Who goes to a Parranda? Why a Parrandista, of course. That means reveler, party-goer or party animal.
Pa-rran-de-ar (v): "Me gusta parrandear." or "Mi cliente es culpable de parrandear en Bridgeport," or "My client is guilty of partying in Bridgeport."
Navideño (adj): Describes something as being very Christmassy. As in, "sabor navideño" or the fruit punch Ponche Navideño.
Now that you know what it is, here's how to enjoy it!

The Acoustic in Black Rock
When: Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Acoustic, 2926 Fairfield Ave, Black Rock section of Bridgport
What: Live Parranda & Latino/Holiday Music - Sing-Along To Your Favorite Songs
Appetizers — Cash Bar— Jolgorio!
Donation: $10 per person minimum - 50 percent of proceeds to be directed to Toys for Tots—tween & teen gifts
WANTED: Experienced singers for our Parranda Coro— must be available noon to 7 p.m. Email: if interested.