HCC is named a "Dream Leader."
Housatonic Community College in downtown Bridgeport has been named one of eight “Dream Leader” colleges nationwide by the Achieving the Dream network.
This happened after HCC demonstrated three consecutive years of measurable improvement in outcomes that measure student success: graduation rates, increased enrollment in math courses and better outcomes in reading and writing courses.
Housatonic President Paul Broadie II said Housatonic’s three-year journey toward the designation has been demanding but rewarding as well for all involved.
The network is a consortium of 220 community colleges that provides advisory resources to four million community college students.
Housatonic is one of just two colleges in the Northeast and the only New England institution to get the title.
HCC spokeswoman Evelyn Gard said whole college system stands to benefit because they can share best practices and look for ways to improve the entire system.
The distinction comes with no cash but the ability to apply for specific grant-funded initiatives.