The Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee is seeking monetary donations to help the people of Puerto Rico, and dropoff locations are set up throughout the town.
The Red Cross, through Mayor John Harkins and the Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee, is seeking monetary donations to help the people of Puerto Rico, still suffering after Hurricane Maria struck.
Bring your checks to the Red Cross tent at Town Hall on Saturday, Oct. 14.
With the American Red Cross, 91 percent of the funds go directly to victims, with just a 9 percent share allocated to overhead costs.
Checks can be made out to American Red Cross, with GBU Hurricane Maria Relief written in the memo.
You can also make an online donation at: www.perryhousestratford.org/hurricane-maria-relief
For questions contact: Olga Peña at 203 820-3658/olgaap57@yahoo.com or Gladys A. Ramos at 203-377-2017/josgla@optonline.net
You can also mail your check to the Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee, PO Box 692, Stratford CT 06615.
Monetary donation drop boxes will be set up at the Town Clerk’s office, the Stratford Library, Sterling House, Stratford Police Department and Stratford Fire Department.
If you have diapers, toothpaste, dog food or other items, the Convoy of Hope has two dropoff locations.
Items will be collected at Stratford Shotokan Karate, 190 Ferry Blvd., 203 913-1534 and Gafas, 919 Stratford Ave, Stratford, 203 612-7580.
Items will be taken to www.convoyofhope.org.
To learn about which specific items are needed, visit www.stratfordshotokan.com/pr-relief-donation