Volunteers Lisa Bahadosingh and Cathy DiTuri, right, stop to check the map as they take part in the annual Point-in-Time count, which is a census of the Connecticut homeless population, on the East End in Bridgeport, Conn. on Tuesday Jan. 26, 2016. Photo: Connecticut Post
The annual Point In Time (PIT) is a physical count of homeless persons which takes place in communities across the country.
PIT accounts for individuals who are staying in emergency shelter; transitional housing; rapid-rehousing; permanent supportive housing; or are unsheltered and are staying on the streets, living in a car, or camping in the woods or other places not meant for people to live.
Volunteers are needed to conduct surveys, serve meals, and help with set-up and clean-up at the count headquarters.
The Greater Bridgeport Homeless PIT Count is Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. The headquarters will be the Bridgeport City Hall Annex, Margaret Morton Government Center, 999 Broad St.
To register as a volunteer for the Greater Bridgeport PIT Count, please fill out the Volunteer Registration form here.
Here is the official Greater Bridgeport PIT volunteer flyer for more information.
Read a story from the Connecticut Post about last year's count.