eesmarts 2019 K-12 Student Contest

Inviting Students to Enhance their Skills in Science, Writing and Renewable & Energy Efficient Technologies

The annual eesmarts contest invites students to answer grade level-specific prompts regarding how they would promote energy efficiency, renewable energy and reducing their carbon footprints to their families, fellow students and schools.

Students express their energy smarts through a variety of formats, including poems, essays, news articles, book reviews, posters, images, speeches, public service announcements, community based projects, - and even plays.

All contest prompts align with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Standards for Math and English Language Arts. Winners will be honored at a special awards ceremony.


The contest is open to all Connecticut students in kindergarten through grade 12. Teachers who have used and evaluated the eesmarts lesson materials are especially encouraged to have their students participate, though this is not a requirement.

Visit the website to learn more

Download the flyer

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