Emilia Heavenstone, a student at Stratford Academy’s Johnson House, collects funds for Puerto Rico at Marnick’s Restaurant. Photo: Courtesy
Stratford residents raised $30,000 in two weeks to contribute to the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
Mayor John Harkins, working in conjunction with the Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee, worked to collect money to contribute to Hurricane Maria relief.
A total of $26,620 was delivered to the American Red Cross office on Monday, Oct. 23. The total increased to $30,000 by Tuesday. The Hispanic Heritage Committee is working with Greater Bridgeport United and the Puerto Rican Parade of Fairfield County Inc. in its effort.
Donations may be made online at perryhousestratford.org/hurricane-maria-relief. Checks can be made out to American Red Cross, memo GBU Hurricane Maria relief, and mailed to Stratford Hispanic Heritage Committee, P.O. Box 692, Stratford CT 06615.